
ANuYou Wellness and Slimming Centre

Week 2

Core Training exercises by Certified Biokineticist :

There is no better time than during lock down to work on your core muscles.

The core is the foundation for movement, enabling mobility in the upper and lower body.


Functions of the core

  • Maintaining strength, stability & mobility of the spine
  • Provide internal pressure for biological functions
  • Stabilizing the thoracic cage& pelvis during movement

Benefits of core training

A balanced & focused core training program can have a positive impact on your physical wellbeing as a whole.

  • Improve posture 
  • Greater power & speed 
  • Greater balance & co- ordination 
  • Amplified protection & bracing of your back

Always remember to exercise using the correct techniques and safety measures. If you do have any underlining conditions, please consider contacting a medical professional to aid in rehabilitation.  These exercises are not intended to heal or rehabilitate any condition, but simply to remain active. 


Here are a few basic core exercises:

  • Pillow/small ball squeezes  (20 x3)
  • Superman ( hold 10 counts then move leg up and down x10 x3)
  • Heel reaches ( 15 x 3)
  • Hip roll ( 30sec x 3)

“Don’t limit your challenges, challenge your limits”

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