
ANuYou Wellness and Slimming Centre

40K Ultrasound Cavitation &
Body RF(Radio Frequency)

The most advanced way to remove cellulite, break down fat cells and tighten and tone your skin!

What is Ultrasound Cavitation

Cavitation is a non-invasive fat reduction treatment that uses ultrasound technology to reduce fat cells in targeted parts of the body. It is the preferred option for anyone who does not want to undergo extreme options such as liposuction, as it is does not involve any needles or surgery.

How does Cavitation work?

Ultrasound Cavitation (CaviLipo) is one of the most advanced systems on today’s market. Using CaviLipo combined with different Radio Frequencies, the Ultrasound-Cavitation treatment allows your body to break down fat cells. These cells are then metabolized through your body’s natural removal processes. Unlike traditional liposuction, CaviLipo uses no injections, anesthesia, and there is no down time making it the perfect treatment for removal of fat and cellulite. Whether you want to remove belly, thigh, arm, hip, chin or back fat, CaviLipo with RF is the breakthrough treatment for you!

Cavitation Benefits

  • Painless and Non-Surgical way to remove fat and cellulite.​

  • Reduce fat in problem areas: Thighs, hips, stomach, back, arms, chin, etc.

  • Tighten and tone skin, reduce sagging skin.

  • It is FAST and EFFECTIVE. Start seeing results after just ONE 30-45 minute session!


Frequently Asked Questions

Common areas are: stomach, thighs, hips, back, chin, and arms. There is no limit to where you can use the Ultrasound Cavitation, but areas with larger amounts of localized fat are likely to see a better result.

No. This treatment is painless. In fact, it is very relaxing!

Yes, because it is a non-surgical, non-invasive treatment, it is safe and you will experience no downtime as a result.

Ultrasound Cavitation emulsifies your fat during the treatment making it easy for your body to expel it through the urinary and lymphatic systems.

The treatments last about 30-45 minutes each and we recommend doing them every 72 hours to allow ample time for the fat to expel completely from your body. While you are able to have up to 12 sessions, most clients will do anywhere between 8-12 before achieving their desired results.

In order to make your treatments more effective, you will want to be sure to drink plenty of water (at least 2 liters) before and after your treatment. We also recommend eating a low calorie diet and minimizing your intake of carbohydrates and fat for at least 24 hours before hand. This will help to burn any fatty acid and glucose stores in your body. After your treatment, you will want to do a Hocatt Sauna session to aid in the expulsion of the fat through your lymphatic system.

For the most part, anyone looking to reduce fat and cellulite are a good candidate for Ultrasound Cavitation. However, anyone with a pacemaker, cardiac or vascular disease, and women who are pregnant should not have the treatment done. If you have a medical condition, your therapist will advise you to consult your physician before your treatment.

What is Body RF?

Radio Frequency Skin Tightening or RF as it is sometimes referred to, is a popular procedure for the non-surgical and painless tightening of the early signs of loose or sagging skin. It is a suitable treatment for both male or female clients who fall in to the mid-twenties to early sixties age category. For those wishing to avoid botox, needles or surgical face lift procedures, this is a must-have treatment. The effect radio frequency waves have on the collagen bonds is to release and unwind them. As these collagen bundles spread apart, new fibrous tissue surrounds the area and this stimulates the growth of new collagen. Essentially, the collagen reforms and is remoulded resulting in a thickening effect on the dermal layer for improved skin surface texture. Localised metabolism and increased blood circulation in the area of treatment also occurs to release trapped toxins

How does RF work?

Radio frequency or RF skin tightening treatment is an innovative therapy that uses radio frequency electromagnetic waves to stimulate collagen development deep within the dermal layers of the skin. Radio frequency re-structures and contracts existing collagen and stimulates fresh collagen production to give noticeable yet natural results. Clients benefit from a healthier, smoother and more youthful looking skin.

The unique combination of processes involved in RF skin tightening provides both an immediate uplifting effect, followed by further longer term skin tightening, restructuring and rejuvenating benefits.

Radio frequency also gives deep, controlled heating of the fatty layers under the skin, which means that superficial fatty deposits can be broken down and drained through the lymphatic system, reducing the appearance of cellulite.


Frequently Asked Questions

Radio frequency has a proven track record and has been shown to be safe. It has been used in neurosurgery, dermatology, cardiology, and ENT for more than 70 years! The treatment is relaxing and pain-free.

It may be recommended to have a session of radio frequency skin tightening twice weekly with an average of 6 – 12 sessions in a treatment program, or a session once every 7-10 days, with an average of 8 sessions in a program. But this will all depend on the individual’s needs.

Usually yes, though there are some contraindications. It cannot be used in patients with pacemakers, metal plates or pins in the treatment area, severe heart disease, connective tissue diseases, pregnancy or breastfeeding women

Ultrasound Cavitation emulsifies your fat during the treatment making it easy for your body to expel it through the urinary and lymphatic systems.

Body RF Benefits & Results

Radio Frequency Skin Tightening has been clinically proven to tightening the skin. The effects of radio frequency skin tightening are not immediate but are gradual and become more noticeable as the days and weeks go by, reaching their maximum effect even as long as 4 months after the treatment. 

Radio Frequency Skin Tightening is able to specifically target problematic local areas that require treatment with excellent results. It is also able to re-activate all the areas where cellulite accumulates (hips, abdomen, knees and thighs). The effect achieved during the session is stable and lasts for many months in areas of reduced volumes, while in the more voluminous areas such as the abdomen, legs and arms, periodic repeat treatments are required to maintain the results achieved.



The retraction of collagen fibres (lengthwise and depthwise).

This promotes skin tightness, which becomes visible even after one treatment. Skin appears firmer and more toned



The heat produced by the device encourages fibroblast tissue cells to activate new collagen growth. The result is smoother skin.

Radio Frequency Skin Tightening also significantly augments Ultrasonic Cavitation treatments for the body, by tightening excess skin after fat destruction.



Post treatment, clients are advised to use a quality moisturizing lotion or cream on the treatment area. We also recommend drinking plenty of water (2 litres per day) in order to ensure that your skin remains hydrated.


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